Power ASP file upload with progressbar live sample   

      This sample demontrates using of Huge-ASP upload with a simple email html form and file attachments. The form contains usual email fields (From, To, Subject, Message) and one form field for file attachement. Number of file fields can be extended using 'Add a file' button (The button uses client-side Javascript and insertAdjacentHTML method).
      Server-side ASP script accepts source form fields and files using Huge-ASP upload and then creates an email using CDONTS.NewMail.

      This is only short sample, does not contain from/to emails validation or other fields validation.

      Temporary folder for e-mail file attachments is C:\Windows\Temp\emailtemp
From :
To :
Subject :
File attachments: Form size limit is 1048576B (1024kB).
Attachment 1 :

© 1996 – 2025 Antonin Foller, Motobit Software, e-mail help@pstruh.cz
To monitor current running uploads/downloads, see IISTracer - IIS real-time monitor.